Studio One 3 Developer Interview

PreSonus has released a new version of their software flagship called Studio One. And after seeing these videos I am pretty excited about it. Rethinked arranger track for easier creating variations, or multiinstruments track or enhanced chains – you can use splitter to use your favourite compressor as multiband compressor or de-esser. Well done, PreSonus!



The ∞ Infinite Sample Sampler

The Infinite Sample Sampler is a keyboard instrument that is based on the idea of collage and can process huge sound libraries. Each key is a surprise box, which plays different sound with each MIDI noteOn.

This is how KOKA NIKOLADZE introduces his own project – Infinite Sample Sampler. One of Paraphrasis user send me this video and it inspired to do the last demo with different sounds. I think it is worth checking out. What do you think?



New delay plugin by UVI

UVI has released in my opinion very innovative and creative delay plugin. It is something what I would expect from Output guys. It is actually similar to Output’s latest release – SIGNAL, at least when we look at modulation capability which looks like a sequencer. Very nice, UVI!


Free samples for Paraphrasis

Wanna feed Paraphrasis with some samples and you do not have any? There are some tips!

Philharmonia orchestra – Make Music

This library contains different articulations of different instrument recorded by Philharmonia orchestra players. Once this library saved my gig when I was suppose to program a sound patches and I was not able to find any collegno cello samples. But there they are and many, many others. (more…)


Paraphrasis was updated to 1.0.3

So what is new with version 1.0.3?

Until I resolve licensing issue with GPL, VST version won’t be available. This means I can not distribute VST version for Windows. However you can build Paraphrasis from sources. In near future I will hopefully post a tutorial how.

  • Improved: Synthetise engine highly optimized
  • Added: Installer
  • Fixed: Crash in MuLab and potentially in other hosts when pressing analyze when processing is running
  • Improved: Memory usage optimised
  • Fixed: Sound click in FL Studio 11 when notes are tight together
  • Fixed: Paraphrasis pay attention to sample rate chages
  • Improved: Mac OS compatibility is now 10.7+

VST Paraphrasis temporally unavailable

Due to licensing issues with VST and GPL  s Paraphrasis for Windows (VST) currently temporally unavailable. When/If I figure out licensing with Loris authors it will be back. You can read my blog post about VST and GPL for more info. I cannot distribute VST version for Windows. However, you can build Paraphrasis from sources. In near future I will hopefully post a tutorial how.


GNU GPL and audio plugins IV. – Linkage

Audio plugins are usually erivateistributed as dynamic libraries. But what about GPL and dynamic linking? Is a plugin part or derivative work of host or vice versa? In what situation the plugin is part of host and when not? Well this is quite a topic. Lets discuss that! And I recall that IANAL! (more…)


GNU GPL and audio plugins III. – License compatibility II.

To have a plugin that hatorks inside a DAW we need a common interface to have plugin and DAW talk to each other. The most know interfaces are VST, AU and AAX. These are supported by JUCE as well but only first two are easily available. But are these interfaces compatible with GPL? Lets focus on that this time. And again IANAL! (more…)


GNU GPL and audio plugins II. – License compatibility I.

In my mini series about GPL and audio plugins it is time to focus on GPL and compatibility with other license. It can be divided into two parts – open source licenses and SDK licenses.  Lets focus on open source licenses this time. I will divide the post into 2 section – source code and graphics. And do not forget that IANAL! Use case for this part is my synth Paraphrasis. Note that Paraphrasis is released under GPL v2. (more…)


Creative UI for classical plugins

Guys at Klevgränd has released a new compressor with simple and amazing UI. The app is called Korvpressor and basically you only need to adjust input and output gain and how much you want to squash the sound. Simple. But they have more AU/VST and iPhone/iPad apps and some of them are even free as AU or VST (Vandelay and Svep). All of them have really impressive UI. Whether it is only for beginners or pro that is probably not a question because the alternative GUI can break stereotypes of these tools and bring new creative ideas for usage. Well, excuse me, please, I am just going to try Vandelay…



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