Sandboxing AUs pt1.

First figure out what current vendors does. Open terminal and do this to find out which AUs declare themselves as sandbox (un)safe.

find /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components -name "Info.plist" -exec grep -sl sandboxSafe {} \; | xargs -I {} /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :AudioComponents:0:sandboxSafe' {} > 2.tx
paste 1.txt 2.txt | sort > sandboxsafe.txt
find /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components -name "Info.plist" -exec grep -sl sandboxSafe {} \; > 1.txt                                                                                  

And which one uses resourceUsage tag:

find /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components -name "Info.plist" -exec grep -sl resourceUsage {} \; > 3.txt
find /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components -name "Info.plist" -exec grep -sl resourceUsage {} \; | xargs -I {} /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :AudioComponents:0:resourceUsage' {} > 4.txt
paste 3.txt 4.txt | sort -f > resourceUsage.txt

In my installed plugins I found out some interesting points:

  • MHThumb declares itself as sandbox unsafe and uses resourceUsage tag – GarageBand doesn’t require lowering the security settings.
  • Youlean Loudness meter declares itself as sandbox safe and uses resourceUsage tag – GarageBand doesn’t require lowering the security settings.
  • SoundToys doesn’t use either option – GarageBand requires lowering the security settings.
  • Melodyne uses just resourceUsage tag – GarageBand requires lowering the security settings.
  • Replika XT just declares itself as sandbox unsafe – GarageBand requires lowering the security settings.

PS: To reset GarageBand security settings open a terminal and paste:

defaults delete

muCommander tweaks

muCommander is a cross-platform file manager. It has it’s own file editor/viewer but if you want to use your favourite one, there is a chance. I prefer to use macvim on Mac and as preview action I like what Finder does, so see what you need to add to ~/Library/Preferences/muCommander/preferences.xml file.

    <custom_command>open -a macvim $f</custom_command>
    <custom_command>qlmanage -p $f</custom_command>

Vim: in IDEs & vimrc

This is post will be reguraly updated according to my vimrc configuration. The other benefit beside you can use it as well is that I can access it from anywhere.

When switching different tools, platforms and IDEs it usually gets confusing with all these keyboard shortcuts. So I like to use vim key binding. How to make it working:


Useful and free Windows debugging tools

(You can start by installing Windows package manager chocolatey)

GVim – Not exactly a debug tool, but you need to read logs somewhere right? I assume I don’t need to explain vim. (btw :%!xxd turns vim into a hex editor)

WSL – I prefer to use unix-like tools, when switching development platforms this prooved to be an effective workflow (I can use the same tools on Mac, Win and Linux). I used babun before it got deprecated. But Windows supports running Ubuntu directly in Windows. Try this if you run into a problem during installation as I did. Or this or that if you will face a permission issue.

Depenency Walker – an app is not starting or a dll is not loading? Maybe some dll is missing. “Dependency Walker is a free utility that scans any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module (exe, dll, ocx, sys, etc.) and builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules. For each module found, it lists all the functions that are exported by that module, and which of those functions are actually being called by other modules. Another view displays the minimum set of required files, along with detailed information about each file including a full path to the file, base address, version numbers, machine type, debug information, and more.”


Westworld Scoring Competition

Spitfire Audio and HBO joint a couple weeks ago and offered this amazing opportunity to rescore a scene from Westworld TV Show. I took a part in this and is my version of the scene. If you want to know more about the winner and kind of interesting situation that happened after the announcement, see the rest of this post.


Favorite Free Plugins of 2020

Everybody likes free plugins and everybody seems to like to write about them or make youtube videos about them. Well, I am not an exception! Here is my list of currently most used free plugins! These are not so well known IMHO, so be inspired!


Paraphrasis on Linux

A cool guy has ported our synth to Linux! Good job. It is always nice to see that your code is alive! If you are from this part of the world you know how to compile it. Get that code on GitHub.


Studio One 3 Developer Interview

PreSonus has released a new version of their software flagship called Studio One. And after seeing these videos I am pretty excited about it. Rethinked arranger track for easier creating variations, or multiinstruments track or enhanced chains – you can use splitter to use your favourite compressor as multiband compressor or de-esser. Well done, PreSonus!



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